Our children’s ministry is made possible by dedicated volunteers who serve the Lord through serving in our nursery and teaching our preschool and elementary students. When this vital ministry area is well-staffed, it ensures that Hillcrest is a place where families thrive. Hillcrest Kids volunteers love children and are trained to meet the needs of the little ones entrusted to us. Whether you’ve been a long time nursery volunteer or are interested in becoming one now, we look forward to working together to create an excellent ministry to children! (Please note that all volunteers who serve with children or students are required to submit to a background check.)
The Guest Experience Team is tasked with welcoming, and assisting visitors and members as they arrive. Volunteers on this team may make an eternal difference in someone’s life. Every person who steps or drives onto church property is precious to God. This team will serve to ensure that all who come our way sense their importance to The Lord and to all of us at Hillcrest!
The Hillcrest CARE Team works with our Deacon Board to ensure that our members are taken care of in times of need. From families welcoming a new child by birth or adoption to families who experience surgery, illness, or death, this team organizes meals and seeks to meet other tangible needs of those who need assistance in times of celebration or crisis.
Ensuring the safety of our members and guests is a priority of the leadership of Hillcrest. This team also works together to provide medical assistance in the event of an emergency.
Each week, our choir, vocalists and instrumentalists lead the Hillcrest congregation in worship. As part of our effort to create a beautiful tapestry of intergenerational worship, we use hymns, both ancient and modern, psalms, and the reading of Scripture in our services.
Hillcrest's library is continually being expanded with additional Bible study materials, works by classic Christian authors, terrific missionary biographies, and titles that speak to a range of topics from marriage and parenting to money management and current events. Our Library team oversees our inventory and helps guests locate books and other resources.
Volunteers in this ministry mix sound and advance lyric slides or videos during our Sunday morning worship hour. If you have experience in this area or are interested in learning, please consider serving on our production team.
special events
Hillcrest regularly hosts events that require detailed event coordination and food services assistance. Needs include help with set up/tear down, food prep, decor and entertainment planning, and much more. If you have the ability to help in any of these areas, please consider joining this team.