Attend Regularly
The best way to get connected and stay connected is to simply show up. Engaging in the rhythms of our church life with other believers is not only an act of obedience for the Christian, but in our obedience, we receive the benefit of healthy, helpful relationships with fellow Christ followers.
Serve Faithfully
The body of Christ functions as intended when, in obedience to Scripture, every member contributes in meaningful service in one or more of our various ministries. As you serve alongside fellow believers, relationships are forged and gospel work is accomplished. We invite you to visit our WAYS WE ENGAGE page to learn more.
Connect Fully
While regular attendance and service are Biblically mandated for both the church and the Christian's spiritual health, the Bible also paints a beautiful portrait of community life through shared meals, fellowship, and friendship. Hillcrest regularly provides opportunities for this level of engagement, and we invite you to follow our EVENTS page and on social media for all dates and times.